TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript. As such, a JavaScript program is also a valid TypeScript program and a TypeScript program can seamlessly consume JavaScript.

TS: Strongly Typed Language; Statically typed Language (Checked at compile time) JS: Loosely Typed Language; Dynamically typed Language (Checked at run time)
Hello World
const hello : string = “Hello World!”
let a: string = ‘abc’ let b: number = 123 let c: boolean = true let d: any = ‘’ let re: RegExp = /\w+/g
const sum = (a: number, b: number) => { return a + b; }
Union type
let postId: string | number |
let isActive: number | boolean |
let re = /\w+/g
Arrays & Objects
let stringArr = [‘one’,’two’,’three’] // string let guitars = [‘one’,’two’,123] // string | number let mixed = [‘one’,1992,true] // string | number | boolean let empty = [] // any
let bands: stirng[] = [];
// Tuple: exactly number, type and position let myTuple: [stirng, number, boolean]
// Objects
let myObj: object
const exampleObj = { prop1: ‘abc’, prop2: true }
const exampleObj: { prop1: string; prop2: boolean; }
type Guitarist = { name: string, active: boolean, albums: (string | number)[] }
let evh: Guitarist = { name: ‘Chen’, active: false, albums: [1992, 5140, ‘Test’] }
// Enums
enum Grade { U, D, C, B, A }
Grade.U // 0
// Type Aliases
type stringOrNumber = string | number |
type stringOrNumberArray = (string | number)[] |
type Guitarist = { name?: string, active: boolean, albums: (string | number)[] }
type UserId = stringOrNumber
// Literal types
let myName: ‘Chen’ let userName: ‘Chen’ | ‘Li’ | ‘Peng’
// functions
const add = (a: number, b: number) : number => { return a + b; }
const logMsg = (message: any): void => { console.log(message) }
type mathFunction = (a: number, b: number) => number
let multiply: mathFunction = function (c,d) { return c * d }
interface mathFunction { (a: number, b: number): number }
// optional parameters const addAll = (a:number, b:number, c?:number): number => { if(typeof c !== ‘undefined’) { return a + b + c } return a + b }
// Rest parameters
cosnt total = (a: number, …nums: number[]) : number => { return a + nums.reduce((prev, curr) => prev + curr) }
class Coder { constructor( public readonly name: string, public music:string, private age: number, protected lang: string = ‘Typescript’ ) { this.name: name this.music: music this.age: age this.lang: lang }
public getAge() {
return Hello, I'm ${this.age}
const Dave = new Coder(‘Dave’, ‘Rock’, 32)
class WebDev extends Coder { constructor( public computer: string, name: string, music:string, age: number,
) { super(name, music, age) this.computer = computer }
public getLang() {
return I write ${this.lang}
const Sara = new WebDev(‘Mac’, ‘Sara’, ‘Lofi’,25) console.log(Sara.getLang()) // I write Typescript
interface Musician { name: string, instrument: string, play(action: string): string }
class Guitarist implements Musician { name: string instrument: string
constructor(name: string, instrument: string){ this.name = name; this.instrument =instrument }
play(action: string) {
return ${this.name} ${action} the ${this.instrument}
const Page = new Guitarist(‘Jimmy’, ‘guitar’) conosle.log(Page.play(‘strums’)) // Jimmy strums the guitar
class Peeps { static count: number = 0 static getCount(): number { return Peeps.count }
public id: number construtor(public name: string) { this.name = name this.id = ++Peeps.count } }
const John = new Peeps(‘John’) const Steve = new Peeps(‘Steve’) const Amy = new Peeps(‘Amy’)
class Bands { private dataState: string[]
construtor() { this.dataState = [] }
public get data(): string[] { return this.dataState }
public set data(value: string[]) { if(Array.isArray(value) && value.every(el=>typeof el === ‘string’)) { this.dateState = value return } else throw new Error(‘Param is not an array of strings’)
} }
const MyBands = new Bands() MyBands.data = [‘Neil Young’, ‘Led Zep’]
console.log(MyBands.data) // [‘Neil Young’, ‘Led Zep’] MyBands.data = […MyBands.data, ‘ZZ Top’] console.log(MyBands.data) // [‘Neil Young’, ‘Led Zep’,’ZZ Top’]
Index Signatures & keyof Assertions
// Index Signatures
interface TransactionObj { Pizza: number, Books: number, Job: number }
const todaysTransactions: TransactionObj = { Pizza: -10, Books: -5, Job: 50 }
interface TransactionObj { [index: string]: number }
interface Student { [key: string]: string | number | number[] | undefined, name: string, GPA: number, classes?: number[] }
const student: Student = { name: “Dong”, GPA: 3.5, classes: [100, 200] }
for(const key in student) {
console.log(${key}: ${student[key as keyof Student]}
type Stream = ‘salary’ | ‘bouns’ | ‘sidehustle’ |
type Incomes = Record<Streams, number | string> |
const monthlyIncomes: Incomes = { salary: 500, bonus: 100, sidehustle: 250 }
for(const revenue in monthlyIncomes) { console.log(monthlyIncomes[revenue as keyof Incomes]) }
const echo =
const isTrue =
Utility Types
// Partial
interface Assignment { studentId: string, title: string, grade: number, verified?: boolean, }
const updateAssignment = (assign: Assignment, propsToUpdate: Partial
const assign1: Assignment = { studentId: “compsci123”, title: “Final Project”, grade: 0, }
console.log(updateAssignment(assign1, { grade: 95 })) const assignGraded: Assignment = updateAssignment(assign1, { grade: 95 })
// Required and Readonly
const recordAssignment = (assign: Required
const assignVerified: Readonly
recordAssignment({ …assignGraded, verified: true })
// Record const hexColorMap: Record<string, string> = { red: “FF0000”, green: “00FF00”, blue: “0000FF”, }
// Pick and Omit
type AssignResult = Pick<Assignment, “studentId” | “grade”> |
const score: AssignResult = { studentId: “k123”, grade: 85, }
type AssignPreview = Omit<Assignment, “grade” | “verified”> |
const preview: AssignPreview = { studentId: “k123”, title: “Final Project”, }
// Exclude and Extract
type adjustedGrade = Exclude<LetterGrades, “U”>
type highGrades = Extract<LetterGrades, “A” | “B”> |
// Nonnullable
type AllPossibleGrades = ‘Dave’ | ‘John’ | null | undefined
type NamesOnly = NonNullable
// ReturnType
const createNewAssign = (title: string, points: number) => { return { title, points } }
type NewAssign = ReturnType
const tsAssign: NewAssign = createNewAssign(“Utility Types”, 100)
// Parameters
type AssignParams = Parameters
const assignArgs: AssignParams = [“Generics”, 100]
const tsAssign2: NewAssign = createNewAssign(…assignArgs)
// Awaited - helps us with the ReturnType of a Promise
interface User { id: number, name: string, username: string, email: string, }
const fetchUsers = async (): Promise<User[]> => {
const data = await fetch(
).then(res => {
return res.json()
}).catch(err => {
if (err instanceof Error) console.log(err.message)
return data }
type FetchUsersReturnType = Awaited<ReturnType

This work is licensed under a CC A-S 4.0 International License.