Thanks to an interview opportunity from SurveyMonkey, I learnt this website: Codility, similar to LeetCode. It is an amazing place to provide online coding test to software companies to test candidates. But as a programmer, we also can test ourselves from the lessons and challenges it provided.
It supports mostly programming language, including C, C++, Java, Pascal, Python, C#, PHP, JavaScript, Perl, Ruby, VB.NET, Lua, Objective-C, Scala and Go.
In addition, it will evaluate your code by correctness and performance, for example,

It also run your code in many test cases to avoid overflow or edge data to ensure your code without little bugs. Details as below,

Looks cool?
I would like to post my codes (mostly in Java) on my GitHub, if you are interested, follow my coding trip. Let’s coding start today!
最近刚刚结束了SurveyMonkey的面试,在下不才在第三轮被刷下。不过通过此次面试,得知了一个非常不错的类似于Leetcode的网站: Codility。这个网站主要是给IT公司的HR提供online编程测试的,所以它的评分标准也是相对十分严格的,主要从正确率和复杂度两个方面进行评分,很利于我们进行自我测试。在下当时是4道题(3题考算法,1题考SQL),要求120分钟内完成。
对于练习者,该网站提供了两个模块,lessons 和 challenges,前者是些基础的编码题目,后者则相对有些难度。
非常好的是,该网站的题目有多种编程语言可选,包括C, C++, Java, Pascal, Python, C#, PHP, JavaScript, Perl, Ruby, VB.NET, Lua, Objective-C, Scala and Go。绝对能满足你的需求。
在未来的时间里,我将会把我自己的代码(Java为主)放在我的GitHub上,有兴趣的童鞋可以来围观一下。 编程之旅,加油!

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