Notes from C Traps and Pitfalls / C陷阱与缺陷笔记

Posted by Pengyu on April 27, 2016

Chapter 1: Lexical Pitfalls (词法陷阱)


  • A character enclosed in single quotes is just another way of writing the integer that corresponds to the given character in the implementation’s collating sequence. A string enclosed in double quotes is a short-hand way of writing a pointer to the initial character of a nameless array that has been initialized with the characters between the quotes and an extra character whose binary value is zero ('\0').


1-1. Some C compilers allow nested comments. Write a C program that finds out if it is being run on such a compiler without any error messages. In other words, the program should be valid under both comment rules, but should do different things in each. Hint. A comment symbol /* inside a quoted string is just part of the string; a double quote " " inside a comment is part of the comment.


This expression is equivalent to "*/" if comments nest and "/*" if they don’t.


This expression is equivalent to 1 if comments nest and 0*1 if they don’t.

Chapter 2: Syntactic Pitfalls (语法陷阱)


  • Wrong examples of operator precedence:

     if (flags & FLAG != 0)  ===  if (flags & (FLAG != 0))
     r = hi<<4 + low  === r = hi<< (4 + low)
     r = (hi<<4) + low === r = hi<<4 | low
     *p++ === *(p++)
     while(c=getc(in) != EOF) === while(c = (getc(in) != EOF))
  • Do not forget break in each case of switch statement.

  • C requires a function call to have an argument list even if there are no arguments. f(); is a statement that calls the function, but f;does nothing at all. More precisely, it evaluates the address of the function but does not call it.

  • An else is always associated with the closest unmatched if inside the same pair of braces.

Chapter 3: Semantic Pitfalls (语义陷阱)


  • Apply sizeof() for Arrays and Pointers:

    int calendar[12][31];  /* sizeof(calendar) = 31 * 12 * sizeof(int) */
    calendar[4];   /* sizeof(calendar[4]) = sizeof(*monthp) = 31 * sizeof(int) */
    int *p=calendar[4];   /* sizeof(p) = 2 * sizeof(int); sizeof(*p) = 1 * sizeof(int) */
    int (*monthp)[31]=calendar;  /* sizeof(monthp) = 2 * sizeof(int) */

In addtion, calendar[4][7] == *(calendar[4] + 7) == *((calendar + 4) + 7).

  • Copying a pointer does not copy the thing it addresses.

  • Using asymmetric bounds, that is, when traverse a array int a[10], using for(i = 0; i < 10; i++ ) rather than for(i = 0; i <= 9; i++ ).

  • Pointer declaration syntax overview:

    char cff [5][5];    /* array of arrays of chars; a char can be any sign */
    char *cfp [5];      /* array of pointers to chars */
    char **cpp;         /* pointer to pointer to chars ("double pointer") */
    char (*cpf) [5];    /* pointer to an array of chars */
    char *cpF();        /* function which returns a pointer to chars */
    char (*CFp)();      /* pointer to a function which returns chars */
    char (*cfpF*())[5]; /* function which returns pointers to an array of chars */
    char (*cpFf[5])();  /* an array of pointers to functions, which all return chars */

The () and [] have a higher priority than *.

  • the && and || operators do not even evaluate their right-hand operands if their results can be determined from their left-hand operands. & and | unlike &&, must always evaluate both of its operands.

  • Overflow can occur if both operands are signed; the result of an overflow is undefined. To prevent overflow, try use if ((unsigned) a + (unsigned) b > INT_MAX) or if (a > INT_MAX - b) instead of if (a + b < 0). P.S. ANSI C defines INT_MAX in <limits.h>.

  • The main is presumed to yield an int value if no other return type is declared for it. Typically, a 0 return indicates success and any other value indicates failure. If you forgot write a return in your main function, it usually implicitly returns some garbage integer.


3-3. Write a function to do a binary search in a sorted table of integers. Its input is a pointer to the beginning of the table, a count of the elements in the table, and a value to be sought. Its output is a pointer to the element sought or a NULL pointer if the element is not present.

“pure pointer” form

int *bsearch(int *t, int n, int x)
  int *lo = t, *hi = t + n; // we cannot just initialize hi to t+n-1 because t+n-1 is an invalid address if n is 0
  while (lo < hi) {
    int *mid = lo + ((hi - lo) >> 1); // NOT mid = (lo + hi) / 2
    if(x < *mid)
      hi = mid; // NOT hi = mid -1
    else if (x > *mid)
      lo = mid + 1;
      return mid;
  return NULL;

“array” form

int *bsearch(int *t, int n, int x)
  int lo = 0, hi = n - 1;
  while(lo <= hi)
    int mid = (lo + hi) / 2;
    if(x < t[mid])
      hi = mid - 1;
    else if(x > t[mid])
      lo = mid + 1;
      return t + mid;
  return NULL;

Chapter 4: Linkage (链接)


  • The declaration extern int a; is not a definition of a, such a declaration is a reference to the external object a but does not define it.

  • A program that includes extern int a; must say int a; somewhere else, either in the same program file or a different one.

  • The declaration static int a; means the same thing as int a; within a single source program file, but a is hidden from other files.

  • Arguments(形参), parameters(实参)。

  • A function called before it is defined or declared is assumed to return int.

  • A program with this definition: char filename[] = "/etc/passwd"; in one file and this declaration: extern char *filename; in another. Although arrays and pointers are very similar in some contexts, they are not the same.

Chapter 5: Library functions (库函数)


  • use setbuf in a program that copies its standard input to its standard output:

      #include <stdio.h>
          int c;
          char buf[BUFSIZ];  // error in this line.
          setbuf(stdout, buf);
          while (c = getchar()) != EOF)
          putchar (c);

There are two ways to prevent this sort of trouble: First, make the buffer static, either by declaring it explicitly as static:

static char buf[BUFSIZ];

or by moving the declaration outside the main program entirely.

Another possibility is to allocate the buffer dynamically and never free it:

char *malloc();
setbuf(stdout, malloc(BUFSIZ);
  • stdarg.h is a header in the C standard library hat allows functions to accept an indefinite number of arguments. Example 1:

      #include <stdio.h>
      #include <stdarg.h>
      /* print all args one at a time until a negative argument is seen; all args are assumed to be of int type */
      void printargs(int arg1, ...)
        va_list ap;
        int i;
        va_start(ap, arg1);
        for (i = arg1; i >= 0; i = va_arg(ap, int))
        printf("%d ", i);
      int main(void)
        printargs(5, 2, 14, 84, 97, 15, -1, 48, -1);
        printargs(84, 51, -1);
        printargs(1, -1);
        return 0;

This program yields the output:

5 2 14 84 97 15
84 51


Example 2:

  #include <stdarg.h>

  int printf(char *format, ...)
    va_list ap;
    int n;

    n = vprintf(format, ap);
    return n;

Chapter 6: Preprocessor (预处理器)


  • It is important to to enclose each parameter in parentheses and parenthesize the entire result expression to defend against using the macro in a larger expression.

  • Some examples:

    #define abs(x) (((x)>=0) ? (x) : (-x) )
    #define max(a,b) ((a)>(b) ? (a):(b))
    #define toupper(c) ((c)=>'a' && (c)<='z' ? (c + ('A'-'a')) : (c))
    #define assert(e) ((e) || assert_error(__FILE__, __LINE__))
  • Macros are not type definitions. Using typedef instead of #define. For example, if you defined #define T1 struct foo * and typedef struct foo *T2. These definitions make T1 and T2 conceptually equivalent to a pointer to a struct foo. But when we try to use them with more than one variable:

    T1 a, b;
    T2 c, d;

The first declaration gets expanded to struct foo * a, b; This defines a to be a pointer to a structure, but defines b to be a structure (not a pointer). The second declaration, in contrast, defines both c and d as pointers to structures, because T2 behaves as a true type.


6-1. Write a macro version of max with integer arguments that evaluates its arguments only once.

static int max_temp1, max_temp2;
#define max(p,q) (max_temp1=(p),max_temp2=(q),\
        max_temp1>max_temp2? max_temp1:max_temp2)

This will work as long as calls to max are not nested; making it work in that case may be impossible.

Chapter 7: Portability pitfalls (可移植性缺陷)


  • The three sizes of integers are nondecreasing. That is, a short integer can contain only values that will also fit in a int integer and a int integer can contain only values that will also fit in a long integer.

  • The ANSI standard requires long integers to be at least 32 bits and short or int integers to be at least 16 bits.

  • In most C, the remainder has the same sign as the dividend.


7-2. Write a portable version of the atol function, which takes a pointer to a null-terminated character string as its argument and returns the corresponding long value. Assume:

  1. The input will always represent a valid long integer, so atol need not check for the input being out of bounds;

  2. The only valid input characters are digits and + and - signs. The input ends at the first invalid character.

     long atol(char *s)
         long r = 0;
         int neg = 0;
         switch (*s){
           case '-' :
               neg = 1;
               /* no break here*/
           case '+' :
         while (*s >= '0' && *s <= '9'){
             int n = *s++ - '0';
                 n = -n;
             r = r * 10 + n;
         return r;

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