Part I. Core JavaScript
Ch 2. Lexical Structure
- The
, andcontinue
statements often stand alone, but they are sometimes followed by an identifier or expression. If a line break appears after any of these words (before any other tokens), JavaScript will always interpret that line break as a semicolon.
For example, if you write:
JavaScript assumes you meant:
return; true;
Ch 3. Types, Values, and Variables
Objects and arrays are mutable. Numbers, booleans, null, and undefined are immutable, strings are immutable too.
Arithmetic in JavaScript does not raise errors in cases of overflow, underflow, or divi- sion by zero. Print
instead. -
Division by zero is not an error in JavaScript: it simply returns infinity or negative infinity. There is one exception, however: zero divided by zero does not have a well- defined value, and the result of this operation is the special not-a-number value, printed as NaN. NaN also arises if you attempt to divide infinity by infinity, or take the square root of a negative number or use arithmetic operators with non-numeric operands that cannot be converted to numbers.
The not-a-number value has one unusual feature in JavaScript: it does not compare equal to any other value, including itself. This means that you can’t write
x == NaN
to determine whether the value of a variablex
. Instead, you should writex != x
. That expression will be true if, and only if,x
. -
The negative zero value is also somewhat unusual.
var zero = 0; // Regular zero var negz = -0; // Negative zero zero === negz // => true: zero and negative zero are equal 1/zero === 1/negz // => false: infinity and -infinity are not equal
Because of rounding error,the difference between the approximations of
is not exactly the same as the difference between the approximations of.2
.var x = .3 - .2; // thirty cents minus 20 cents var y = .2 - .1; // twenty cents minus 10 cents x == y // => false: the two values are not the same!
In JS, 0.3-0.2=0.09999999999999998;
Remember that strings are immutable in JavaScript. Methods like
return new strings: they do not modify the string on which they are invoked. -
Diff between
:typeof(null) // => object typeof(undefined) // => undefined null == undefined // =>true null === undefined // =>false
Ch 4. Expressions and Operators
To be Continued …

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