A Piece of Sunshine

檐下窗欞斜映枝椏 與你席地對座飲茶

Note on React Hooks / React Hooks 笔记

UseReducer function reducer(state, action) { switch(action.type) { case ‘increment’: return { count: state.count + 1 } case ‘decre...

Note on Typescript / Typescript 笔记

TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript. As such, a JavaScript program is also a valid TypeScript program and a TypeScript program can seamlessly...

Note on AWS Introduction / AWS基础 笔记

AWS Could Concepts With Could: Initiated within seconds. Treat these as “temporary and disposable” Free from inflexibility and constraints....

Head First Gardening / 菜园初探

Late February - 准备工作 了解学习种植方面的基本知识,技能。可以先从BBC食材花园记录片入手,了解一下。 选取想要种植的食材,最好选取简单易种的入手,查找学习相关的种植经验。 购买种子。在加拿大有很多商店提供植物种子,如果想种植一些国产的作物,也可以在某些农场的网站上购得...

Note on Mastering Bitcoin

一些小知识 地址:以1开头的一串字符或数字组成的比特币地址。 比特币总数:2100万。 1比特片=1,000毫比特币=100,000,000聪比特币。 一般来说,一个区块获得六次以上证明时就被认为时不可撤销的,因为要撤销和重建六个区块需要巨量的计算。 比特币使用的是椭圆曲线乘法作为其...

Introduction to Python / Python入门

This post is my study note when learning Python programming based on online tutorial provided by University of Waterloo. 0 Hello World print(“...

Write Android Component for React Native / 编写React Native自定义Android组件

之前写过一篇如何在React Native下用Objective-C编写iOS组件的博文,本篇文章简单介绍一下如何编写Android的React Native组件。 本篇以React Native官方文档Native Modules为基础,从零开始介绍如果编写基于React Native的A...

Update your Cordova-Android apk From CrossWalk to Non-CorssWalk / 升级从拥有Crosswalk的Cordova-Android的apk到没有Crosswalk的apk的解决办法

In our previous app development, we were using Cordova + Crosswalk for a better webView. As of February 2017, Crosswalk is not being developed anym...