A Piece of Sunshine

檐下窗欞斜映枝椏 與你席地對座飲茶

Internet Protocol - SMTP and POP3 / 网络协议系列 - SMTP和POP3协议

1 SMTP协议 SMTP(Simple Mail Transfer Protocol),即简单邮件传送协议。同HTTP等多数应用层协议一样,它工作在C/S模式下,用来实现因特网上的邮件传送。 SMTP是用来将客户机上的邮件传送到服务器上。这里的客户机是指某次连接中的发送方,服务器是指相应...

Algorithm(2)-Dynamic Programming / 算法(2)-动态规划

**------English (英文)------** Problem 1. Minimum Coin Change Given a amount A and n coins, v1<v2<v3<...<vn. Write a pro­gram to find o...

Notes from JavaScript:The Definitive Guide / JavaScript权威指南笔记

Part I. Core JavaScript Ch 2. Lexical Structure The return, break, and continue statements often stand alone, but they are sometimes followed ...

Notes from Expert C Programming / C专家编程笔记

Chapter 1: C Through the Mists of Time Notes Avoid unnecessary complexity by minimizing your use of unsigned types; use a signed type like int...

Notes from C Primer Plus / C Primer Plus笔记

Coming Soon….

Notes from C Traps and Pitfalls / C陷阱与缺陷笔记

Chapter 1: Lexical Pitfalls (词法陷阱) Notes A character enclosed in single quotes is just another way of writing the integer that corresponds to ...

Example of iOS VoIP Notification / iOS VoIP Notification实例

这篇文章翻译整理自Pierre-Marc Airoldi的iOS 8 VoIP Notifications和M Penades关于PushKit实现的回答,加入了我自己的文件设定,以及代码的更新,以方便读者更简单便捷的实现PushKit的学习。 在iOS8中,苹果引进了一种可以用在VoIP应...

Linux Shell Programming / Linux Shell编程

My First Shell The first line must be start with #! #!/bin/bash # print hello,world echo "hello,world!" 脚本的执行需要一定的权限: chmod +x 脚本名字 #...