MongoDB CRUD Operations / MongoDB的增删改查操作

Posted by Pengyu on July 23, 2015
**------English (英文)------**

###Insert Documents

1> Insert a Document

1.1> Create a document. Define a variable document that holds a document to insert.

document=({"user_id" : "chen","password" :"chen123" ,"DOB" :
	"02/03/1992" ,"education" :"M.C.S." , "profession" : "DEVELOPER"})

1.2> Insert the document. Pass the variable document to the db.collection.insert() to perform an insert.


2> Directly Insert without Document.

db.myinfo.insert({"user_id" : "hao","password" :"hao123" ,"DOB" : "02/12/1990" ,
	"education" :"M.C.A." , "profession" : "Software consultant"});

###Modify Documents

MongoDB can use update() function to modify data.

db.collection.update( criteria, objNew, upsert, multi )

criteria : update conditions, similar to the statements after where in sql update.

objNew : update’s objects or some update operations ($,$inc…), may ragard as the statements after set in sql update.

upsert : if the record doesn’t exist, if you want to insert this new record, true is insert, default is false, don’t insert.

multi : defaust is false, only update the first record it found. if it is true, update all records meet the conditions.

db.myinfo.update({"user_id" : "hao"},{"user_id" : "hui","password" :"hui123" ,
	"DOB" : "06/06/1990" ,"education" :"M.E.B." , "profession" : "MARKETING"});

###Query Documents

Select all documents in a collection

db.myinfo.find({}); // or

which is similar to SQL statement

Select * from myinfo;

Select the documents which “education” is “M.C.S”


which is similar to SQL statement

Select * from myinfo where education="M.C.S.";

Conditional operator:

(>) - $gt

(<) - $lt

(>=) - $gte

(<= ) - $lte

For example 1,

db.testtable.find({age : {$gt : 22}})

is similar to SQL statement

Select * from testtable where age >22;

Example 2,

db.testtable.find({age : {$lt :24, $gt : 17}})

is similar to SQL statement

Select * from testtable where age > 17 and age <24;

limit() accept a integer parameter, to define the number of records selected from MongoDB


skip() to ignore the number of records


sort(), 1 is ascending, and -1 is descending


###Remove Documents

Use remove() if you want to delete record where “user_id” = “chen” in “myinfo”, you may use,

db.myinfo.remove( { "user_id" : "chen" } );

Delete all data if you want to delete all records in “myinfo”, you may use,


Use drop() to delete collections if you want to delete the whole “myinfo”, including data and documents, you may use,


Use dropDatabase() to delete database if you want to delete the whole database, you may use,

**------中文 (Chinese)------**





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