Install and Run MongoDB on Mac OS X / 在Mac下安装并使用MongoDB

Posted by Pengyu on July 23, 2015
**------English (英文)------**

1> Install MongoDB by Homebrew

$ brew update
$ brew install mongodb

if you didn’t have Homebrew yet, install it first. (programmer’s must-have)

2> MongoDB defaults data store under /data/db, so we need to create this folder

$ sudo mkdir -p /data/db
$ sudo chown xxx /data/db

replace xxx by your current user name. If you not sure, you may run $ whoami first.

3> Add mongodb/bin to $PATH

$ touch .base_profile
$ vim .base_profile

add the following codes and then restart Terminal

export MONGO_PATH=/usr/local/mongodb  
export PATH=$PATH:$MONGO_PATH/bin  

4> Run MongoDB

 $ mongod

5> Query Database

Open another Terminal window

$ mongo

then you can write database command, for example,

$ show dbs          // display existing databases
$ use somedbname    // create (or use) a database

6> Exit MangoDB

$ exit

Is this very easy?

**------中文 (Chinese)------**


1> 通过Homebrew安装MongoDB

$ brew update
$ brew install mongodb


2> MongoDB 数据默认存在/data/db下,所以需要创建这个文件夹

$ sudo mkdir -p /data/db
$ sudo chown xxx /data/db

请把xxx替换为自己当前的用户名,如果不确定可以先运行一下$ whoami

3> 把mongodb/bin加入$PATH

$ touch .base_profile
$ vim .base_profile


export MONGO_PATH=/usr/local/mongodb  
export PATH=$PATH:$MONGO_PATH/bin  

4> 启动MongoDB

 $ mongod

5> 数据库查询


$ mongo


$ show dbs    //显示已经存在的数据库
$ use somedbname    //创建(使用)某个数据库

6> 退出

$ exit

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